J Korean Acad Kinesiol Search


The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2010;12(1):73-82.
Published online January 30, 2010.
Development of Web-Based Personal Exercise Prescription System for Health Management
Dong-Jin Kim, In-Kyu Kim, Yoon-Sun Oh, Yoon-Jung Shin
Welltizen Institute
Sangmyung University
Correspondence:  Dong-Jin Kim,
Email: kemp75@naver.com
Received: 16 December 2009   • Accepted: 24 January 2010

The purpose of this study was designed to develop a web-based personal exercise prescription system for health management, and to use the programs for effective management of physical capacity.
First, the program was developed using asp 3.0 and MS-SQL 2000 and Visual Studio interdev for use with Windows 2000, ME, XP. The development process was divided into 3 stages; planning, design and development. Second, the exercise prescription and exercise program were developed using physical information, and Exercise Screening Questionnaire data from ACSM. Third, the exercise prescription program consists of over 250 files from 7 different areas including User password, Reports, Module, D/B, Graphic, index, and chart files. Finally, the user was able to record exercise programs and used statistical data for management.
The exercise records can be printed out for the user’s convenience.
Since this system provides a real-time exercise program for users utilizing the optimal methods, it enables the user to exercise with stability and effectiveness according to the user's physical status. As a result, we believe this program to be a very effective tool for personal health management.
Keywords: Health management, Information technology, Web-based system, Exercise prescription, User
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