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Asian J Kinesiol > Volume 16(4); 2014 > Article
The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2014;16(4):31-41.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15758/jkak.2014.16.4.31    Published online October 31, 2014.
Comparison of Core Stabilizer Muscle Activity according to Movement Difficulty and Stability during Various TRX Plank
Yun-A Shin
Dankook University
Correspondence:  Yun-A Shin,
Email: shinagel@empal.com
Received: 20 June 2014   • Accepted: 25 October 2014
This study aimed to compare core stabilizer muscle activity according to movement difficulty and stability during various TRX plank.
Ten healthy male students who have certificate of 3 grade body builder were examined core stabilizer muscle activity as upper and lower rectus abdominis(URA and LRA), external oblique(EO), internal oblique/transverse abdominis(IO/TrA), erector spinase(ES), and mutifidis(MF) during various lay-down, supine, and side-plank.
In the results of lay-down plank, URA and LRA was showed a statically significant difference according to stability and IO/TrA showed a statically significant difference according to movement difficulty. However, TRA and swiss ball showed no statistically significant difference. The results of supine-plank, URA, LRA, and ES was showed a statically significant difference according to movement difficulty. The results of side-plank, URA, LRA, EO, IO/TrA, ES and MF showed a statically significant difference according to movement difficulty and ES also showed a statically significant difference according to stability.
We concluded that traditional lay-down plank was showed a significant difference according to stability and supin and side-plank was showed a statically significant difference according to movement difficulty. Therefore, we suggested that various TRX plank can help improve core stabilizer muscle activity as well as swiss ball and various plank using TRX may have a positive effect on core muscle activity for trunk stability.
Keywords: TRX, plank, movement difficulty, stability, core stabilizer muscle


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