Effects of Obesity on Maximal Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cardiovascular Responses, Fatigue, and Muscle Activation during Graded Exercise Test in Female Sports Aerobic Athletes |
Sang-Min Hong, Hye-Sun Uhm, Ae-Lim Hong, Yun-A Shin |
Dongguk University Dankook University |
Yun-A Shin, Email: shinagel@empal.com |
Received: 24 December 2012 • Accepted: 20 April 2013 |
Abstract |
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of obesity on maximal exercise capacity, cardiovascular responses, fatigue and muscle activation in female sports aerobic athletes during graded exercise test. METHOD The subjects of this study were 14 female athletes in sport aerobic athletes(4.29±1.14 year) were assigned to two groups: normal weight group(N=7, BMI: 20±1.32 , Body Fat: 20.37±2%) and obesity group(N=7, BMI: 25.09±2.5, Body Fat: 30.19±4.49%). Maximal cardiorespiratory fitness(VO 2 max, HRmax, VEmax), cardiovascular responses(HR, SV, Q, TRP, BP), fatigue(RPE, LA), muscle activation(RF, VMO, VLO, BF, TA, MG, LG, SO)were measured and estimated. RESULT According to the results of measuring maximal cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular responses(HR, SV, Q, TRP, BP), fatigue(PRE, LA) and muscle activation except for RF and VMO during graded exercise test, the significant differences were not shown between two groups(p>.05). CONCLUSION The results indicated that no differences were founded in maximal cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular responses, fatigue and muscle activation during graded exercise test between normal weight and obesity group because of ongoing training of obese aerobic athletes. Consequently, obesity is not a factor of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular responses, fatigue, and muscle activation in aerobic athletes. |
Aerobic Athletes, obesity, Maximal Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cardiovascular Responses, Muscle Activation |