Develop a Regression Equation of Health-related Physical Fitness Age of Korean Adults |
Jung-Sok Oak, Woo-Young Park, Keun-Ok An, Jee-Young Hong, Chong-Hwan Sung, Hyuk-Soo Shin, Woo-Won Kim, Deog-Jo Jung |
Dankook University Gachon University Seowon University Yongin University |
Received: 23 June 2012 • Accepted: 21 July 2012 |
Abstract |
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to develop a regression equation of health-related physical fitness age(HPFA) of Korean adults. The subjects of the study were 646 males and females with ages ranging from 20 to 69 years. The items measured were %bodyfat, VO 2 max, Hand grip strength, Sit-ups, Sargent jump, Sit and reach, BMI, and PACER. during the analysis, we developed the regression equation against 394 subjects (60% of total subjects; group for equation development) and analyzed a cross validation against 252 subjects (40% of total subjects; group for cross-validation). We grouped subjects of ages 20 to 40 as "adults" and subjects of ages 40 to 69 as "middle-aged adults". METHOD Regarding data analysis, first, %bodyfat, VO 2 max, hand grip strength, sit-up, Sargent jump, sit and reach were set as variables and a principle component score (PCS) was yielded through principal component analysis. Second, sit-up, Sargent jump, sit and reach, BMI, and PACER were set as explanatory variable and the reverse score of PCS as response variable to develop a regression equation through multiple regression analysis. Third, we executed an independent t-test against the group for cross-validation to verify the difference in chronological age, VO 2 max, and %bodyfat between below-average HPFA group and above-average HPFA group for cross-validation. RESULT The resulting regression equations by sex and age were as the following; HPFAma=45.054+.324X1-.089X2-.142X3-.153X4-.228X5(R 2 =.954) for male adults, HPFAmm=75.123+.090X1-.095X2-.382X3-.009X4-.233X5(R 2 =.909) for male middle-aged adults, HPFAfa=49.031+.328X1-.121X2-.423X3-.260X4-.144X5(R 2 =.913) for female adults, and HPFAfm=76.004+.026X1-.150X2-.651X3-.010X4-.271X5(R 2 =.865) for female middle-aged adults (X1=BMI, X2=PACER, X3=Sargent jump, X4=sit and reach, X5=Sit ups). Regarding the results of the independent t-test against the group for cross-validation, there were statistically significant differences in all groups except %bodyfat of male adults. CONCLUSION As a result, the development of regression equation of HPFA through VO 2 max, BMI, PACER, Sargent jump, Sit-ups, Sit and reach has been proven to be valid. |
Korean adults, Health-related physical fitness age, Regression equation |