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Asian J Kinesiol > Volume 14(2); 2012 > Article
The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2012;14(2):85-95.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15758/jkak.2012.14.2.85     Published online April 30, 2012.
Effects of Functional Pants Wearing on Aerobic and Anaerobic Motor Ability, Lactate, and Muscle Pain in College Students
Sung-Sik Ko, Ho-Seong Lee, Woo-Young Park, Ki-Hong Kim
Korea National University of Transportation
Dankook University
Correspondence:  Ho-Seong Lee,
Email: hoseh28@dankook.ac.kr
Received: 2 January 2012   • Accepted: 21 April 2012

The purpose of this study was to prove the effects of functional pants wearing on aerobic and anaerobic motor ability, fatigue, and muscle pain in college student’s.
Eight healthy college men participated in this study and subjects had not been involved in a resistance-training program at least 6 months. All subjects (n=8) performed two bouts of maximum exercise load test and wingate test in wearing and non-wearing of functional pants separated by 2 and 3 weeks.
Aerobic and anaerobic motor ability, lactate in the blood and muscle pain were taken before, immediately after, 3, and 10 minutes in each wearing and non-wearing of functional pants. Our study showed that exercise time, VO 2 max and reaching time to maximum power had positive effects following the wearing of functional pants compared to the non-wearing of functional pants. After aerobic exercise, muscle pain was significantly lower following the wearing of functional pants compared to the non-wearing of functional pants, and lactate recovery rate in the blood was significantly faster following the non-wearing of functional pants compared to the wearing of functional pants.
These data indicated that the wearing of functional pant improve aerobic motor ability and muscle pain.
Keywords: Wearing functional pants, Aerobic motor ability, Muscle pain


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