J Korean Acad Kinesiol Search


The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2010;13(1):103-112.
Published online January 30, 2011.
The Effects of 12 Weeks Pilates Mat Exercise and Elastic Band Exercise on Blood Lipids and Physical Function Performance in Elderly Women
Seok-Hee Kim, Hyun-Seung Rhyu, Choon-Ki Hong
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yonsei University
Hanyang University
Correspondence:  Hyun-Seung Rhyu,
Email: rhyuhs@korea.kr
Received: 16 September 2010   • Accepted: 21 October 2010

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of blood lipids and physical function performance on 12 weeks pilates mat exercise and band exercise program in elder women.
The subjects of this study were 24 elder women with aged ranged between 68 and 78 years old that assigned to either a core training group(n=11) and a control group(n=13). The effects of 12 weeks exercise program on blood lipids and physical functional performance test(PFP-test) were measure at pre and 12week after exercise training. All data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with repeated measure of SPSS.
The results were as follows: The change of lipids profiles were compared with the control group that showed significant variations of exercise and time on TC, and TG. therfore, metabolic changes may show is suggested. Physical function performance were compared with the control group that showed significant variation of exercise and time on weight carry, which show improve their muscular strength, on shelf reach and scarves, which show improve their flexibility and balance. and that showed significant variation of exercise and time on grocery, and 6min walk, which show improve muscular strength and endurance.
These study suggest that pilates mat and band exercise program have effect on lipids profiles and physical functional performance in elderly women.
Keywords: Pilates, Band exercise, Elder women, Blood lipids, Physical functional performance


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